Commitment to Preventing Modern Slavery

2023 Report This annual report is a joint report on behalf of TMX Group Limited (BN 820346716) and TSX Inc. (BN 105255327) for the reporting period commencingJanuary1st 2023andendingDecember 31st 2023. In compliance with the test set out in s. 9, these entities are both deemed reporting entities under the Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act (“the Act”) and are collectively referred to as “TMX Group” (or “we”) for the purpose of this report. Accordingly, an annual report is required for TMX Group under s.11 of the Act. Introduction TMX Group firmly believes in upholding human rights principles and opposes all forms of modern day slavery and human trafficking. We are committed to preventing adverse impacts of human rights violations in our operations and supply chains. Over the course of 2023, we have taken steps to put in place a framework to identify, assess, manage and monitor risks of modern slavery within our operations, in alignment with our third-party risk management framework. We developed enhanced due diligence procedures for suppliers of goods andwe have raised awareness about the risk of modern slavery amongst our workforce. Building on this progress, we aim to continuously improve our processes and controls to ensure our supply chains are free of slavery and human trafficking. 2