Commitment to Preventing Modern Slavery

2023 Report Goods purchased by TMX Group are generally IT equipment and office supplies, furniture and promotional items, and are largely sourced from Canadian-based suppliers. IT equipment, which represents the majority of our 2023 spend on goods, are sourced from predominantly industry leading companies. TMX Group’s suppliers of goods that are based outside Canada represent an insignificant proportion and are generally located in the United States. Assessment of Modern Slavery Risk TMX Group’s view is that we operate within an industry (financial market infrastructure) where the risk of modern slavery is inherently limited. Given the nature of our business, the number of our goods suppliers, the location of our suppliers and contract value, we believe that the risk of modern slavery within our operations or supply chain is low. Notwithstanding this, TMX Group is firmly committed to monitoring and driving efforts to eradicate modern slavery risks in our operations and our supply chain, in adherence to the requirements of the Act, our stakeholders expectations and as part of our long-term sustainability objectives. An internal working group assembling personnel from our risk, legal and procurement functions was created with the mandate of developing and delivering a modern slavery framework, consistent with the requirements of the Act. This group first assessed the applicability of the Act to TMX Group and undertook a modern slavery risk assessment of our suppliers. Considering TMX Group primarily provides services and in alignment with the requirements contained in the Act, this risk 4