TMX Axis is your one-stop shop to manage your operational, trading and market data services across TMX equities and derivatives markets
TMX Axis

Introducing TMX Axis™, a new centralized hub for market participants, technology vendors, and connectivity providers. This hub is your new and easy-to-use central point of access to manage your operational services and requests.

TMX Axis

TMX Axis allows clients to interact with us directly in a single location via a centralized portal. Gone are the days when emails inadvertently end up in spam folders, PDF documents are difficult to edit, and customers are unaware of the status of a time-sensitive tasks.

TMX Axis

TMX is committed to being a global leader in financial markets and providing customers with a world-class experience.

TMX Axis reflects our commitment to provide a superior operational experience while increasing transparency.

For the first time ever, market participants, technology vendors, and connectivity providers will benefit from a holistic view of their products and services with TMX.

TMX Axis will be rolled out in Q2 2022 with the goal of providing key stakeholders with an easy-to-navigate and centralized hub to more easily manage trading and access across TSX, TSX Venture Exchange, TSX Alpha Exchange and Montréal Exchange.

TMX Axis

TMX Axis is a centralized portal for market participants, technology vendors, and connectivity providers. Our goal is to provide key stakeholders with an easy-to-navigate and centralized hub to more easily manage trading and market data services with TMX Markets.

TMX Axis client portal was designed to replace our existing communication methods and serve as a centralized location for:

Interacting with TMX Markets support teams.
Managing your products and services with TMX Markets.